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What is The Functional Musician, LLC? 

The Functional Musician is an online health and wellness coaching company dedicated to helping all types of musicians overcome tension, pain, or injury through education, implementation, and accountability.



Driven by his past injury history, Austin is constantly working to spread awareness of the importance of prioritizing health and wellness through workshops, social media,, and his 1-1 Recovery Program



Why was The Functional Musician created? 

The Functional Musician, LLC was created to help musicians overcome tension, pain, and injury. 


Austin failed to overcome his injuries after spending over $12,000 on various methods over the course of three years. This frustrated and inspired him to take things into own hands to find a reliable way to address chronic pain.


After overcoming his own injury and expanding his education, Austin launched The Functional Musician, LLC in the Spring 2020 to offer musicians a resource that could help them overcome tension, pain, or injury.


To read more about Austin's Injury Story, click below.






Our Mission

At The Functional Musician, our mission is to help musicians overcome tension, pain, or injury. This simple phrase can be broken down into three different ways: 


It’s impossible to reach your full potential and have a long, healthy career if you are constantly stiff, tense, or in pain. Mastering your craft takes time, consistent practice, and putting yourself in uncomfortable and demanding situations. You don't have to sacrifice your health to be successful as a performer, in fact, prioritizing your health can add sustainability and prolong your career.


Every musician should have a toolbox of health and wellness tools they can use to prevent, manage, and resolve many of their aches and pains on their own, without having to rely on other health and wellness or medical professionals, unless a situation arises where you need to.


EveryBODY is different.

Bones, weight, gender, height, genetics, etc. personalized and customized health and wellness plan. Different personality styles, learning styles, past experiences, etc. 

Who is the Functional Musician for?

The Functional Musician is for ANY musician of ANY age that wants to learn how to better take care of their bodies and mind so they can perform to their full potential and add years to their career.


Austin has worked with almost every age, instrument, and genre ranging from jazz, freelancers, orchestral musicians, pit musicians, church musicians, college students, to weekend warriors.






Services and Offerings

Currently, the only option to work with Austin is through his 1-1 Recovery Program, a 12-week customized health and wellness program designed to help musicians over tension, pain, or injury.


Austin posts regular articles to his blog and newsletter with helpful tips, tools, and information to help musicians on their injury prevention or recovery journey.


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